Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Thomas Ledermann

Thomas Ledermann

My primary research is focused on methods for the analysis of data from dyads and triads, such as couples, families, or working teams, the assessment of mediation and moderation mechanisms, and the analysis of longitudinal processes. Other areas of my interests are programming using R and interpersonal relationships.

Representative Publications

Garcia, R., Kenny, D. A., & Ledermann, T. (2015). Moderation in the actor-partner interdependence model. Personal Relationships, 22, 8-29.

Ledermann, T., & Macho, S. (2014). Analyzing change at the dyadic level: The Common Fate Growth Model. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 204-213.

Ledermann, T., & Kenny, D. A. (2012). The common fate model for dyadic data: Variations of a theoretically important but underutilized model. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 140-148.

Ledermann, T., Macho, S., & Kenny, D. A. (2011). Assessing mediation in dyadic data using the actor-partner interdependence model. Structural Equation Modeling, 18, 595-612.

Macho, S., & Ledermann, T. (2011). Estimating, testing, and comparing specific effects in structural equation models: The phantom model approach. Psychological Methods, 16, 34-43.

Kenny, D. A., & Ledermann, T. (2010). Detecting, measuring, and testing dyadic patterns in the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Family Psychology, 24, 359-366.

Primary Interests:

  • Close Relationships
  • Group Processes
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Research Methods, Assessment

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Journal Articles:

  • Kenny, D. A., & Ledermann, T. (2010). Detecting, measuring, and testing dyadic patterns in the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Family Psychology, 24, 359-366.
  • Ledermann, T., & Bodenmann, G. (2006). Moderator- und Mediatoreffekte bei dyadischen Daten: Zwei Erweiterungen des Akteur-Partner-Interdependenz-Modells [Moderator and mediator effects in dyadic research: Two extensions of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 37, 27-40.
  • Ledermann, T., Bodenmann, G., Rudaz, M., & Bradbury, T. N. (2010). Stress, communication, and marital quality in couples. Family Relations, 59, 195-206.
  • Ledermann, T., & Macho, S. (2009). Mediation in dyadic data at the level of the dyads: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Family Psychology, 23, 661-670.
  • Ledermann, T., Macho, S., & Kenny, D. A. (in press). Assessing mediation in dyadic data using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Structural Equation Modeling.
  • Macho, S., & Ledermann, T. (2011). Estimating, testing, and comparing specific effects in structural equation models: The phantom model approach. Psychological Methods, 16, 34-43.

Courses Taught:

  • Analysis of Dyadic Data
  • Methods in Couple Research
  • SPSS Tutorials

Thomas Ledermann
2810 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322
United States of America

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